Modern Hong Kong CafΓ©

Quincy, MA

Here at Rubato, we are a values-based company

The People

First and foremost, we prioritize a healthy work environment and healthy wages.  We are always looking for opportunities to develop our people.  We assess how the company can help individuals reach their goals while operating a strong business.  As Rubato grows, the people grow!

The Community

Rubato is one piece of a large vibrant community in Quincy.  We are cooking our food with the local people in mind.  We welcome people of different colors, gender identities, languages, sexual orientations, and wealth backgrounds.  We work hard to maintain a safe space at Rubato whether you are coming from down the street or visiting from afar. 

The Food 

We believe in affordable, delicious, food made from quality ingredients.  We value the craft of cooking and take pride in our food.  We want our food to not only satisfy your tastebuds, but also to invoke a sense of comfort and warmth. 

Our Food Inspirations

While we absolutely had to keep our fan favorites like You Tiao (fried dough), the Congee, the Milk Tea, and the Soy Milk, we also wanted to get a little adventurous. We aim to expand our customer base and push the culinary boundaries of Chinese food.

We indulge in our customers’ (and our own) cravings to create food that is inarguably delicious. While we feel like this is achieved with our current menu, our journey to keep making some of the best food you can get is only beginning!